Adult social care

Sight and hearing loss

If you have any sight or hearing loss that affects your daily life, you can get a social care assessment to discuss the support your need.

Our sensory impairment team can also give you information about:

  • training to help you get around independently, safely and confidently in your own home or outdoors
  • communication skills, including using magnifiers, hearing speech on the phone, Braille and Typetalk services
  • specialist equipment that may help you with daily tasks, eg hearing the doorbell or preparing meals and drinks safely
  • independent living skills to help you learn new skills or adapt old ones to carry out a full range of daily living tasks

If you have dual sensory loss we can offer specialist advice, support and training.

There's no charge for this service, but there may be a cost for some of the equipment we recommend for you.

Contact us

You can contact the sensory impairment team by:

  • calling 01226 775800
  • texting 07825 454888 (for BSL users)
  • filling in our equipment and adaptations form below


Useful websites/documents