Barnsley West area - proposal


New "no waiting at any time"


It is proposed to create a new no waiting at any time

To the northern side of the A616:

  1. from a point 24m southeast of the eastern extent of the unnamed road which provides access to Sledbrook Farm, in a south-easterly direction, for a distance of 353m.
  2. from a point 118m southeast of the projected eastern kerbline of Pennine Edge, in a south-easterly direction, for a distance of 443m.

To the southern side of the A616:

  1. from the projected western kerbline of Middlecliffe Drive, in a north-westerly direction, for a distance of 538m.
  2. from a point 22m northwest of the projected western kerbline of Pennine Edge, in a north-westerly direction, for a distance of 277m.

To both sides of the A616:

  1. from the eastern kerbline of Bedding Edge Road/Wood Royd Hill Road, in a south-easterly direction, for a distance of 78m.

To both sides of Bedding Edge Road:

  1. from the western kerbline of the A616, in a south-westerly direction, for a distance of 20m.

To both sides of Wood Royd Hill Royd:

  1. from the eastern kerbline of the A616, in a north-easterly direction, for a distance of 17m.

To both sides of Pennine Edge:

  1. from its junction with the A616, in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 7m.

To both sides of Middlecliffe Drive (main link from junction with A616):

  1. from its junction with A616, in a south-easterly direction, for a distance of 25m.

To northern side of Middlecliffe Drive (eastern spur – to properties 1 – 15 (odd
nos. only)):

  1. from its junction with the main link (from junction with A616), in an easterly direction, for a distance of 8m.

To the northern side of Fox Holes Grove:

  1. for its entire length.

To both side of Sledbrook Crescent (easternmost of two accesses from A616):

  1.  from its junction with A616, in a westerly direction, for a distance of 5m (to the limit of the adopted highway).

To the east side of Sledbrook Crescent (westernmost of two accesses from A616):

  1. from its junction with A616, in a westerly direction, for a distance of 5m (to the limit of the adopted highway).

Documents about the proposal are available to view at the Library @ the Lightbox, 1 The Glass Works, Barnsley and Penistone Library during normal opening hours.

Any objection or representation should be made in writing stating the grounds and sent by e-mail to or by post to the Head of Transport and Highways (Traffic Management), PO Box 601, Barnsley S70 9FA no later than Friday 28 March 2025.