
Multi-agency training is a good way of bringing together people from different agencies. This helps those involved gain an insight into their role in safeguarding and protecting children and young people.

Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership offers an wide range of training courses. We offer these to people who have a duty to safeguard children. Courses are led by our multi-agency training officer. There is also input from a number of external partners who provide training on behalf of the partnership.

We provide both face to face and online sessions.

Training programme

The current programme of scheduled training courses is set out in the training and events calendar. This includes details about the learning outcomes for each course.

Training strategy

The current training strategy and plan sets out our vision, values, principles and aims and objectives. This shows how we develop and deliver the training programme.

The strategy shows the staff groupings in relation to each course. Safeguarding and learning needs are also shown within six groupings. These depend on an person's role and the extent of their contact with children. 

Evaluating training

Our aim is to provide useful, value for money training. We also need to find out where we are having an impact. May that be in changes in practice or to outcomes for children and families. Looking at the impact our training is having is a challenge. All our measures address these questions in order to turn feedback into progress and improvement:

  • How much are we doing?
  • How well are we doing it?
  • Is it making a difference? 

This guidance for managers has been developed to help us promote the unique benefits of multi agency training. Looking at staff development and transfer to improved practice and outcomes. It details the research findings around the importance of management support. This is so messages from training are embedded in practice and the methods we use to measure the impact of training. It also looks at how it's making a difference to the lives of children and families; is followed.

Work shadowing

We encourage staff to shadow the work of colleagues in other areas. Children's Social Care can offer colleagues such as health visitors and adult mental health workers the chance to shadow social workers. This is with a view to increasing knowledge of each others roles.